Radiant Wealth: Kundalini Yoga for Prosperity and Abundance

A Two-Day Transformational Experience
Dates: October 5-6, 2024
Location: Atlanta, GA (Final location to be announced soon)
Time: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (both days)
Cost: $499 per Participant

About the Workshop

Radiant Wealth: Kundalini Yoga for Prosperity and Abundance is a powerful two-day event designed to guide you on a journey of spiritual and material abundance. Through the ancient practices of Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and sacred rituals, you will learn to harness the energy of prosperity and manifest it in your life. This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice while attracting wealth and success.

Why Attend This Workshop?

  • Deep Immersion: Two full days of intensive Kundalini Yoga practices and teachings focused on abundance.
  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from seasoned Kundalini Yoga experts who specialize in prosperity practices.
  • Holistic Growth: Integrate physical, mental, and spiritual practices to create a balanced and abundant life.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with like-minded individuals on the same journey toward prosperity.
  • Lasting Impact: Take home tools and techniques that you can continue to use for lasting transformation.

Workshop Itinerary

Day 1 - October 5, 2024

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Welcome and Opening Circle
  • Introduction to the workshop and setting intentions for the weekend.
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Morning Kundalini Yoga Session
  • Kriyas and breathwork focused on activating the energy of abundance.
  • Chanting mantras for prosperity and success.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM | Lunch Break
  • Enjoy a healthy, sattvic meal provided on-site.
  • Time for relaxation and connection with fellow participants.
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM | Meditation and Visualization
  • Guided meditations to align your subconscious mind with prosperity.
  • Visualization exercises to manifest abundance.
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM | Break
  • Refreshments and light snacks.
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM | Wealth Activation Practices
  • Kundalini Yoga practices specifically designed to remove energetic blockages to wealth.
  • Group exercises to amplify collective energy.
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM | Reflection and Journaling
  • Time for personal introspection and journaling.
  • Setting personal goals for abundance.
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Closing Session and Q&A
  • Recap of the day’s teachings.
  • Open floor for questions and sharing insights.

Day 2 - October 6, 2024

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Morning Circle and Recap
  • Revisiting the insights from Day 1 and setting intentions for Day 2.
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Advanced Kundalini Yoga Session
  • Deeper kriyas and meditations to enhance prosperity.
  • Techniques to sustain and grow abundance.
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM | Lunch Break
  • Another delicious sattvic meal to nourish the body and spirit.
  • Informal networking and community building.
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM | Abundance Rituals and Practices
  • Performing sacred rituals to attract wealth and remove financial obstacles.
  • Practical exercises to integrate abundance into daily life.
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM | Break
  • Light refreshments and relaxation.
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM | Group Energy Work and Manifestation
  • Collective energy work to magnify individual intentions.
  • Manifestation techniques to attract specific goals.
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM | Final Reflection and Journaling
  • Personal reflection on the weekend’s experiences.
  • Writing down commitments to continue the journey of abundance.
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Closing Ceremony and Blessings
  • Sharing experiences and final thoughts.
  • Closing blessings for prosperity and a successful future.

What You Will Receive

  • Comprehensive Workshop Materials: Access to guided sessions, meditation recordings, and prosperity tools.
  • Healthy, Nutritious Meals: Complimentary lunch and refreshments on both days.
  • Exclusive Community Access: Join our online community for ongoing support and networking.
  • Certificate of Completion: Acknowledgment of your commitment to personal growth and abundance.

Secure Your Spot Today!

Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized and impactful experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your life and attract the prosperity you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should I bring to the workshop?
A: Please bring a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, a water bottle, and a journal. All other materials will be provided.
Q: Do I need prior experience with Kundalini Yoga?
A: No prior experience is necessary. This workshop is suitable for all levels, from beginners to seasoned practitioners.
Q: What is the refund policy?
A: Refunds are available up to two weeks before the workshop date. Please contact us for more details.
Q: Where will the workshop be held?
A: The final location will be announced soon. Stay tuned for updates via our newsletter and social media channels.

Contact Us

Have more questions or need assistance? Reach out to our team!
Email: yoga@prakashchegu.com
Phone: +1 (858) 774-3846
Follow Us: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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Embrace the journey to abundance with Radiant Wealth: Kundalini Yoga for Prosperity and Abundance. We look forward to welcoming you!

Location to be announced soon. Please check back for updates.
