"It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations." ~Khalil Gibran

This quote by Khalil Gibran reflects a profound understanding of love that goes beyond the conventional ideas of time and effort in building a romantic relationship. Gibran suggests that true love is not necessarily born out of long companionship or diligent courtship. Instead, he believes that love is the result of a deep spiritual connection, an "affinity" that transcends time.
He implies that if this spiritual connection isn't instantly felt, it might never develop, no matter how much time passes or how much effort is put into the relationship. Gibran’s perspective emphasizes the mystical and spontaneous nature of love, suggesting that it’s something beyond our control or logical understanding—it’s something that either exists between two souls from the beginning or doesn’t at all.
This view aligns with the broader themes in Gibran’s work, which often explores love, spirituality, and the deeper connections that bind us as human beings. His perspective can be both comforting and challenging, as it places the essence of love in the realm of the spiritual, making it an innate bond rather than something that can be cultivated over time.


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