Here’s a table listing the major planetary cycles in Vedic astrology and their significance:
PlanetCycle DurationVedic NameSignificance
Sun1 yearSuryaRepresents the soul, authority, and vitality. The Sun’s cycle through the zodiac signifies growth in self-awareness, leadership, and personal power.
Moon27-29 daysChandraGoverns emotions, mind, and intuition. The Moon’s cycle reflects the emotional state, mental balance, and the flow of subconscious patterns.
Mars~2 yearsMangalaSymbolizes energy, courage, and action. Mars’ cycle indicates periods of high energy, assertiveness, and the need to overcome challenges.
Mercury1 yearBudhaGoverns communication, intellect, and commerce. Mercury’s cycle is key for learning, communication, and developing mental clarity.
Jupiter~12 yearsGuruRepresents wisdom, expansion, and spiritual growth. Jupiter’s cycle signifies periods of growth, opportunities, and the expansion of knowledge and beliefs.
Venus~1 yearShukraGoverns love, beauty, and relationships. Venus’ cycle influences matters of the heart, aesthetics, and the pursuit of pleasures and harmony.
Saturn~29.5 yearsShaniRepresents discipline, responsibility, and karma. Saturn’s cycle is associated with life’s lessons, endurance, and the realization of long-term goals.
Rahu~18 yearsRahuSymbolizes desires, illusions, and unconventional paths. Rahu’s cycle brings sudden changes, new experiences, and unconventional opportunities.
Ketu~18 yearsKetuRepresents spirituality, detachment, and past karma. Ketu’s cycle is associated with spiritual growth, releasing material attachments, and resolving karmic debts.
Jupiter-Moon~12 yearsGuru-ChandraA period known as "Gajakesari Yoga" when both planets are in a favorable position, bringing prosperity, wisdom, and emotional fulfillment.
Saturn-Jupiter~60 yearsShani-GuruKnown as the "Samsaptak Yoga," this cycle is significant for societal changes, personal transformations, and the balancing of material and spiritual pursuits.
Sun-Moon~29.5 daysSurya-ChandraThe lunar cycle, including new moon and full moon phases, is crucial for emotional balance, new beginnings, and manifestations of intentions.


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