**Because Everything That is Not Mutual, Turns Out to Be Toxic**

—Bert Hellinger


"I am if you are...
I'll go if you come...
Enough of the disparities...
I am if you are..."

In our pursuit of balance and harmony, we must recognize the truth in Bert Hellinger's words: "Every healthy and mature relationship requires a delicate balance between giving and receiving, because all that is not mutual turns out to be toxic."

Giving without expecting anything in return may sound beautiful in fairy tales, but in real life, it’s unrealistic and unhealthy. True balance in any kind of relationship stems from mutual respect, understanding, and reciprocity.

Let’s commit to seeking this balance in all our relationships, ensuring they are both healthy and fulfilling.


 Join us on this journey towards creating and maintaining balanced, powerful relationships. Let's build a healthier future together.


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