Incredible Health Benefits of Guava Fasting

Guava Fasting is an interesting concept that involves consuming guavas, either exclusively or as a significant part of the diet, during a fasting period. 

Let's dive into the details:

Benefits of Guava Fasting

  1. Nutrient-Rich: Guava is packed with vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin C, Vitamin A, folic acid, potassium, and fiber. It supports immune health, skin health, and digestion.
  2. Weight Loss: The low-calorie, high-fiber content of guava can help in weight management by promoting satiety and reducing overall calorie intake.
  3. Digestive Health: The high fiber content helps in regular bowel movements and can relieve constipation. The seeds also serve as a natural laxative.
  4. Blood Sugar Control: Guavas have a low glycemic index, making them beneficial for blood sugar regulation. This is particularly useful for individuals with diabetes.
  5. Immune Boosting: The high Vitamin C content in guava boosts the immune system, helping to fight off infections and diseases.
  6. Antioxidant Properties: Guavas are rich in antioxidants like lycopene and Vitamin C, which can help protect against oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer.

Process and Protocols of Guava Fasting

  1. Duration: A typical guava fast can range from 24 hours to several days. During this time, guavas are the primary or sole food consumed.
  2. Preparation: Before starting the fast, it’s advisable to reduce intake of processed foods, caffeine, and sugar to prepare the body.
  3. Consumption: During the fast, guavas can be consumed in their raw form, as juices, or smoothies. It's important to stay hydrated, so water and herbal teas can be included.
  4. Breaking the Fast: Post-fast, it's essential to reintroduce foods slowly, starting with light, easily digestible foods like fruits, vegetables, and soups.

Types of Guava

  1. Common Guava (Psidium guajava): The most popular type, with a sweet taste and pink, white, or red flesh.
  2. Strawberry Guava (Psidium cattleianum): Smaller in size with a flavor reminiscent of strawberries, usually with red or yellow skin.
  3. Pineapple Guava (Feijoa sellowiana): Not a true guava but often included in the category, with a taste similar to pineapple.
  4. Apple Guava: A variation of the common guava with a more apple-like taste.

Ingredients and Nutritional Profile of Guava

  • Calories: Approximately 68 calories per 100 grams.
  • Carbohydrates: Around 14 grams per 100 grams, with dietary fiber contributing about 5 grams.
  • Vitamins: High in Vitamin C (up to 4 times the RDI), Vitamin A, and folate.
  • Minerals: Rich in potassium, magnesium, and small amounts of iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
  • Antioxidants: Contains lycopene, quercetin, and other polyphenols.


Guava fasting can be a beneficial practice for those looking to detox, manage weight, or improve overall health. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any fasting regimen, especially for extended periods. Guavas, in their various forms, offer a wealth of nutritional benefits that can support a healthy lifestyle whether you're fasting or not.

Canker Sores: Causes, Remedies, and Ayurvedic Healing

Canker sores, or aphthous ulcers, are painful lesions that form inside the mouth on soft tissues such as the cheeks, lips, or tongue. Unlike contagious cold sores, canker sores occur internally and are non-contagious, yet they can cause significant discomfort during everyday activities like eating and talking. While they often heal naturally within a couple of weeks, natural and Ayurvedic remedies can accelerate recovery and alleviate pain.

The exact cause of canker sores remains uncertain, but factors such as oral trauma, stress, hormonal changes, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, a weak immune system, and allergic reactions play a role in their formation. To treat canker sores at home, consider remedies like salt water rinses, baking soda paste, honey, coconut oil, and chamomile tea. These methods help neutralize irritants, reduce inflammation, and harness natural antimicrobial properties for faster healing and relief.

Ayurveda views canker sores as a Pitta imbalance and advocates cooling, soothing practices and herbs for treatment. Remedies include licorice root, Triphala, ghee, aloe vera, coriander seeds, and manjistha to promote healing and detoxification. Additionally, Ayurvedic practices like Sheetali Pranayama and specific mudras, such as Varun and Prana Mudra, can balance internal energies, reduce stress, and aid recovery while preventing future occurrences by addressing root causes and improving overall well-being.

Fall is a Good Time to Cleanse, Especially w/Mono-Diets: Ayurveda's Wisdom for a Balanced Transition

As the vibrant hues of autumn emerge and the air turns crisp, Ayurveda emphasizes fall as the ideal season for cleansing and resetting both body and mind. This ancient holistic system identifies fall as a period dominated by the Vata dosha, characterized by cold and dry qualities that can disrupt our internal balance, leading to issues like dry skin, digestive troubles, and anxiety. Engaging in a seasonal cleanse helps eliminate toxins, or "Ama," from the body, preparing us for the strengthening and grounding needed to endure the winter months.

A favored Ayurvedic practice for cleansing is the mono-diet, which involves eating simple, easy-to-digest foods for a set period to rejuvenate the digestive system. Foods like Kitchari, a blend of mung dal and rice with digestive spices, offer nourishment while aiding in detoxification. Mono-diets support the digestive fire, known as Agni, facilitating efficient nutrient absorption and waste elimination without overwhelming the system.

Ayurvedic teachings promote various mono-diet options for fall, from the nourishing Kitchari and detoxifying mung bean soup to seasonal root vegetables and fruits. Such practices align with the seasonal energy, complementing the body's natural rhythms and providing emotional and spiritual benefits. By simplifying the diet and embracing these ancient cleansing rituals, one can create space for introspection and calm, transitioning into winter with a sense of balance and renewal.
As the fall season ushers in cooler temperatures and changing landscapes, it also presents an ideal time for body and mind rejuvenation through Ayurvedic mono-diets. Ayurveda views fall as a transition period governed by the Vata dosha, characterized by cold and dry qualities that can disrupt our internal equilibrium. A seasonal cleanse helps combat these imbalances, detoxifies accumulated toxins (Ama), and fortifies the body's systems for winter.

Mono-diets are a core Ayurvedic practice for gentle cleansing, primarily involving the consumption of one or a few easy-to-digest foods. This approach alleviates the digestive system, allowing it to focus on detoxification and healing by optimizing the digestive fire, Agni. Popular mono-diet choices include the nutrient-rich Kitchari cleanse, detoxifying mung bean soups, or focusing on seasonal fruits and root vegetables, all of which cater to maintaining balance among the doshas.

These cleansing practices offer more than just physical benefits, extending to emotional and spiritual wellness by fostering mindfulness and reducing typical Vata imbalances like anxiety. As you simplify your diet, you ensure a holistic approach to cleansing that not only preps your body for the cold months but also calms your mind and sets the stage for introspection. Embracing these Ayurvedic strategies aligns you with nature’s rhythms, providing a harmonious transition into winter.

Anxiety: The Negative Aspect of Comfort – Reflections on Gurudev’s Wisdom

Anxiety often arises as we navigate life's pressures, but a profound perspective suggests it may actually be the negative aspect of comfort. We strive for stable jobs and peaceful routines, viewing comfort as a refuge. However, when comfort shields us from growth or change, it fosters anxiety, creating a paradox where safety leads to restlessness and a lack of fulfillment.

Our comfort zones can conceal a fear of the unknown, trapping us in situations that feel secure but unfulfilling. In personal and professional settings, we may cling to relationships and jobs that no longer nourish our spirits due to fear of uncertainty. As comfort inhibits our willingness to evolve, anxiety serves as a signal urging us to explore beyond the familiar and embrace new challenges.

Transforming anxiety into growth requires us to welcome discomfort and approach change with courage. By starting small and embracing uncertainty, we can shift our perception of anxiety from a problem to a guide for personal evolution. Ultimately, rather than seeking more comfort, facing discomfort with an open heart turns anxiety into a catalyst for positive change and fulfillment.

The Ayurvedic Benefits of Moringa: Nature’s Miracle Tree

Moringa, known as the "Miracle Tree," is celebrated for its extraordinary nutrient density and healing properties in Ayurveda, where it is called "Shigru." Renowned for its ability to balance the doshas, Moringa offers numerous health benefits, including detoxification, boosted vitality, and strengthened immunity. Its Ayurvedic profile highlights its bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes, with a heating potency that makes it beneficial for reducing Kapha and Vata doshas, although those with excess Pitta should consume it cautiously.

Nutritionally, Moringa is a powerhouse, rich in vitamins A, C, and E, essential minerals, and all nine amino acids, classifying it as a complete protein. It is packed with antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, and offers anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties through phytonutrients like quercetin and chlorogenic acid. These attributes make Moringa effective in enhancing immunity, purifying the blood, improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and supporting cardiovascular health.

Additionally, Moringa aids in regulating blood sugar, enhancing skin and hair health, balancing hormones, promoting mental clarity, and supporting weight loss through its various therapeutic actions. Its benefits can be easily integrated into daily routines using powder, capsules, tea, or oil forms, providing versatile options for consumption. Embracing Moringa can lead to improved health, restored balance, and enhanced overall well-being, aligning with Ayurveda's holistic health approach.
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