### Choose People Who Choose Your Nervous System

In our fast-paced world, finding balance and peace is essential not just for our mental well-being but for our nervous systems too. While it’s easy to overlook, the relationships we maintain significantly affect how we feel on a fundamental level. Surrounding yourself with individuals who appreciate the nuances of your nervous system can be transformative.

#### Choose People Who Are Conscious of Your Well-being

Have you ever noticed how certain people seem to drain your energy, while others have the uncanny ability to lift you up? The difference lies in their awareness—or lack thereof—of their impact on your well-being. Choosing to be with people who are mindful of the influence their actions have on you can make all the difference. They are the ones who offer support and understanding, and who nurture your spirit with empathy and compassion.

#### Choose People Who Don’t Make You Question Your Place

One of the most unsettling feelings is uncertainty, especially in relationships. Choose people who give you the security of knowing exactly where you stand. These individuals are the foundation of trust and consistency in your life, offering a sanctuary from doubt and anxiety. When you don’t have to question your position with them, your nervous system can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

#### Choose People Whose Actions Say ‘I Love You’

Words are powerful, but actions always speak louder. Being surrounded by those whose consistent actions demonstrate their love for you creates a safe environment where your nervous system can thrive. These individuals don’t just say they care—they show it in their everyday interactions with you, establishing a deep and meaningful connection that goes beyond superficial gestures.

#### Choose Yourself

If someone isn’t choosing you, let them go and focus on choosing yourself. It's time to stop the endless cycle of striving to be enough in someone else’s eyes. There’s no need to jump through hoops or heal others into loving you. By embracing your own self-worth, you make space for the right people to enter your life—people who value and respect you for who you truly are.

#### Life is Hard Enough, Don’t Chase Unavailable Love

Life presents us with enough challenges, so why exacerbate them by pursuing unavailable love? Our quest for fulfillment and happiness should not involve chasing someone who isn’t ready or willing to offer you the love you deserve. Instead, invest your energy in those who are available, present, and committed to building a genuine connection with you.

#### Let Them Go

Sometimes, the strongest thing you can do is let go of the relationships that no longer serve you. Letting go opens the door to new opportunities and authentic connections that align with your needs and values. By releasing what’s not meant for you, you create a path toward solitude and peace, welcoming in people who truly resonate with your essence.


Choosing the right people in your life is not just about enhancing your environment; it's about safeguarding your nervous system. People who respect and uplift you through their words and actions are the ones worth holding onto. So, embrace the importance of choosing yourself and letting go of what doesn’t serve you, so you can create space for love that truly supports you.


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